In the distance of 242 km from Riga, 685 km from Moscow, and 450 km from St.Petersburg at the cross of two significant lines of communication, namely motorways and railways of Riga-Moscow and St.Petersburg-Warsaw, lies the 7th largest city of Latvia – Rezekne, where Rezekne Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) has been launched and consists of 18 commercial enterprises.
Since 2010
the pellet plant of “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has been operating here and now has become the largest producer of wood pellets in Latvia. The pellet plant currently has a production capacity of circa 270 000 metric tons
per annum.
3 557 179 €
The Plant has been 100% financed from foreign investment, which is currently one of the largest investments made in Latgale region.
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA
carries out its activities in accordance with the highest industry requirements and has received all necessary quality certificates – SBP (Sustainable Biomass Program), EnPlus A.
In 2015
an ambitious expansion was carried out thus doubling the plant’s capacity as well as providing the possibility for “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA to produce both industrial and household pellets.
The aim of the plant is to produce ecologically clean
and economically reasonable source of energy using
forestry residues in its production.
The production equipment has been purchased from the leading international companies in their respective fields of expertise as follows:

CBI Magnum Force (42 tons) has been purchased from „Continental Biomass Industries, Inc.” (USA). It is powered by an electrical motor with 800 KW and has a capacity of 300m3 of chips per hour.

The flaker
The producer of the flaker is German company “Maier”. Total capacity of flakers provides the preparation of high quality raw material for entire production.

The belt
The supplier of almost 100 m long belt dryer is “Swiss Combi” (Switzerland). Its capacity reaches up to 14 t/h of dried material.

“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA
The heat is provided by related company “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA biomass cogeneration plant., which was launched in commercial mode on August 04, 2015

The rotary
drying drum
Supplied by „Vandenbroek International” (the Netherlands) with a processing capacity of up to 17 tons of dry material per hour.

The plant currently operates with two separate lines.

VOLVO and LIEBHERR front-end loaders and hydraulic manipulators operate at “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA, and SCANIA truck is used for moving the material.
Wood pellets are accumulated in silos and then transported to sea ports via railway.
Up to 33 tons of wood pellets per hour.
Total capacity of
the pellet plant

“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA company has been honoured with 1st place in the category “Exporting Company” of Latvia in 2017 in competition “Export and Innovation Award 2017”! Together with the main prize we also received certification for using the competition logo for marketing purposes.
The plant corresponds with the highest fire safety requirements: the plant is equipped with FIREFLY and BUTTNER systems.