We are very proud to announce that Rezekne Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) have awarded “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA first place in the competition for Company of The Year 2012. NewFuels won in the category for medium sized enterprises.
Mrs Sandra Ežmale, General Manager of RSEZ commented:
“The aim of the competition for Company of The Year within RSEZ is to evaluate and honour the most successful entrepreneurs by evaluating RSEZ companies’ performance during the past year. This includes investments in improving production efficiency, production volumes, exports achieved, and taxes paid etc. The evaluation commission this year consisted of representatives from The RSEZ Board of Supervisors, The Latvian Employers’ Confederation and The Rezekne City & Regional Tripartite Advisory Council.
Several awards were granted to NewFuels: “The Producer of the Year”, “The Largest Taxpayer”, and “The Largest Exporter”. The company is the third largest wood pellet producer in Latvia; producing circa 120 thousand tons of product per year, and exporting to Sweden and EU countries. The sales revenues from production in 2012 amounted to 7,985 million LVL, with some 805 thousand LVL being paid in taxes. The company has 27 employees, with the average salary exceeding the overall average for the region. The company produces environmentally friendly pellets by strictly observing all sustainable criteria, and applying socially sound management principles. This is borne out by internationally recognised certificates held by the company.”
