Ligo, ligo!

June 21, 2024

Let Ligo celebration be bright, songs be sonorous, herbs be healing, and your family be large and united!

Happy Ligo holiday!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Happy Easter!

March 28, 2024

Wishing you a lovely Easter, warm sunshine, and the beauty of spring all around you.

May you have a wonderful Easter – full of joy and love!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

webeaster 2024


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 20, 2023

Believe in miracles and they will come true.
They might come through the snow at Christmas or New Year.

Believe in miracles, believe in yourself!
May your thoughts and deeds make you the miracle!
Believe in miracles!
/Līga Kaufmane/

May peace and harmony be with you this Christmas and may you reach your goals and dreams in the New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Congratulations on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

November 16, 2023

We have fields, forests and the sea.
Calluses on our hardworking hands.
We have reason and strong will.
We can and are willing to act.
/Gunta Ristameca/

My sincere greetings to you on the Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia! Let’s remember that Latvia is not only our beautiful nature – forests, lakes, rivers, and sea, but also people and their good deeds.

105 years ago, on November 18, Latvia became a free, independent country. Today, I wish you to be free in your choices and independent from the surrounding circumstances, as well as the courage to implement your most daring ideas here in Latvia!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Ligo, ligo!

June 22, 2023

Enjoy the sound of Līgo songs and the smell of summer herbs; feel the warm of Jāņu night fire.

We wish you to enjoy the magic time of summer Solstice and let it fill you with power and energy.

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

designed using images by Freepik & Shutterstock


Happy Easter!

April 6, 2023

Every spring, this holiday strikes a chord in our hearts, filling us with joy and hope.

Despite everyday hardships and modern challenges, it gives us faith, spiritual support, and love.

I wish you peace, kindness, wellbeing, and success in your endeavours!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA


designed using images by pikisuperstar & Sketchepedia on Freepik


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 21, 2022

May we have a spark in our eyes and warmth in our souls, and may our loved ones be healthy in the New Year. 

Let ourselves dream and make plans despite and in defiance of challenges…

Let’s fulfil the promises we make to ourselves and may we have enough persistence to do so;

May we find time to see the starry skies and make a wish;

May an angel guard us on our path, may we feel the support of our partners in business, and may we always have someone to love us and wait for us at home…

May we feel love for ourselves, other people, and this big and wonderful world.

May the New Year be peaceful and happy.

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA


Congratulations on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!!

November 17, 2022

The day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia is a bright holiday, although it doesn’t fall on the sunny period of the year. Today Latvia is as free as it is free and independent in our hearts and minds. Every good deed, good thought, support of a friend gives birth to a spark of light. Our duty is to be proud of what we have, never lose self-respect anywhere. Let’s support our country, rejoice for and sing our people. Let’s help each other to understand that only together, acting and not judging, we will preserve the most important thing that belongs to us – our motherland Latvia!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA


Ligo, ligo!

June 21, 2022

The time of Midsummer comes, the moment when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky and nature blossoms.

We wish you to enjoy the magic of the shortest night, power of nature, smell of herbs and the time with your loved ones. And if you have the courage, stay up until sunrise and jump over fire!

Happy upcoming Ligo day!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Happy Easter!

April 13, 2022

Easter is a holiday of spring and life. When the return of light and the renewal of nature evoke thoughts about the miracle of life, about constant rebirth and development, I wish that the joy of the Easter holiday enters every family in Latvia and the world, that peace and harmony live in them, and that the spring sun illuminates our everyday life with good deeds! Happy Easter!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 22, 2021

May Your holidays be happy days,
Filled with love and laughter.
And may each day bring joy Your way
In the year that follows after!

Quietly and imperceptibly, the holiday time has come, full of joy, pleasant surprises and family warmth.

And although the outgoing year was full of challenges, in spite of everything, after joint labors, we can enjoy the results and look with hope to a bright future. A new beginning and the expectation of the very best is what comes to mind when you think about the coming of the New Year. This is the time for opening new horizons and realizing desires, restoring strength and self-confidence. I wish everyone to be filled with love and joy and share them both on holidays and on weekdays. Let miracles, small and large, happen that you can share with your loved ones.

May the New Year be filled with inspiration, energy and good luck! May the courage and dexterity of the tiger help to realize all dreams and intentions!

Happy Holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Congratulations on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

September 18, 2021

The day of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia is a holiday for each of us. I wish Latvia to live in our good thoughts and actions both on holidays and in everyday life. Carry pride in your hearts about yourself, your family, your nation! Let our work, faith in our strengths and intentions help to raise Latvia united and strong!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

newfuels 18nov 2021 2



June 22, 2021

The longest day and the shortest night of the Ligo holiday have an invigorating and unifying mood. Celebrating the summer solstice, let us teach our children to do the same, keep our traditions and culture alive, allow ourselves to the magic of the night and draw strength and blessings to every family and our country! Happy Holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA


Happy Easter!

April 4, 2021

When the nature wakes up, the warmth of the sun and the songs of birds give and multiply strength and bring a good mood, the brightest spring holiday is coming – Easter. May this holiday season make us stronger, increase joy, energy and hope for the best! Sunny Easter full of love and faith!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

December 25, 2020

On the eve of the brightest and most wonderful holidays – Christmas and New Year, I wish you all health, warmth, care, success in business! May peace of mind, comfort and sparkling joy reign in your life throughout the next year. Let there be only sincere smiles around, and all the problems and hardships remain in the outgoing year. Let new, yet unknown horizons open up and let many amazing and pleasant surprises happen! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Congratulations on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

November 18, 2020

On the anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, I wish everyone, despite the difficult situation in the world, that in every home and in every family there is love for loved ones and respect for their country, pure nature and immeasurably rich culture. Today, every good wish lights up as a star in the night sky and raises hopes for the good and unites the whole nation. Happy Holiday!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

newfuel 18nov 2020



June 23, 2020

We wish you sunny, sonorous and joyful holidays! May the lightest night of the year be filled with harmony and good mood; may the flowers be surrounded by dizzying scent but the bonfire warms up your hearts and bears blessings for the next year! Happy holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

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Happy Easter!

April 12, 2020

Congratulations on Easter and on this wonderful holiday I wish You to go through life with  good dreams, aspiration up, sincere hope, strong faith and great love. Let the angel cover with its large and reliable wings from all the adversity. Let the thoughts be bright, happiness comes into the house with every dawn and luck follows You wherever You go. Happy Easter!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

nf easter card 2020


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 23, 2019

May this holiday season
leave you with precious memories:
A Christmas filled with love and light,
perfect gifts, delicious foods,
love and joy all around.
A New Year with continuing blessings—
friends, family, good work, great fun,
and delightful surprises.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Greetings on the most anticipated holidays – Christmas and New Year! I wish you all merry joys of winter and good luck next year. May the coming year be better than the previous one, fulfils dreams and future efforts succeed. I wish you to have close and dear people around you not only during the holidays but throughout the whole year. I wish you peace of mind, confidence and happiness!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Congratulations on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

November 18, 2019

Hold Latvia deeply in your heart.
Hold it as the greatest treasure you must not lose.
Because if you lose Latvia, you will lose yourself.


Best wishes on the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA




June 23, 2019

In the middle of the summer when the sun climbs on the top of the sky hill – look up at the sky, breath in the sweet smell of the flowers and feel how a body and soul relax! The solstice is the most suitable time to gain strength for the next year, therefore at this magic night I wish everybody to think nice thought, say warm words and be together with close and beloved people!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

ligo 2019


Wishing you a Happy Easter!

April 21, 2019

Look up at the sky, listen to the wind, feel, how the flowers and streams wake up…

On the light Easter holiday wish each other nice, light, powerful words full of joy! Let the revival of the nature brings inspiration, energy for new works and unceasing faith in all the good!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 25, 2018

Christmas is more than a day in December
It’s all of those things that we love to remember
Its carolers singing familiar refrains
Bright colored stockings and shiny toy trains

Streamers of tinsel and glass satin balls
Laughter that rings through the house and its halls
Christmas is more than a day in December
Its the magic and the love
That we’ll always remember

Dear employees, coleagues, partners! Greeting of the coming festivities! I want to wish you to meet the wonder that we all are waiting for. Let this magic festivity brings us the things we were waiting and hoping for. I wish everyone to find the happiness: in a person or beloved work, career or cozy home. I wish you a strong health, a faith in miracles and a vigor of life! Happy Holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

christmas 2018 1


Congratulations on The Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

November 18, 2018

We congratulate everyone on the 100th anniversary of The Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia!

We wish you happiness, prosperity, good health and love. God, Bless Latvia!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

18 novembris


Līgo, līgo!

June 23, 2018

Dear employees and partners of cooperation!

In the middle of the summer we celebrate the most mysterious holidays – Ligo and Jani day. Blessing of the solstice comes into every home and the magic power unites people. Everything has a mysterious charm during this night – songs, fire on the hills and morning dew in the meadows.

Ligo evening enables to feel the power of old traditions, the greatness of nature and unites people with all living all around.

I wish you to enjoy the magic at least for the moment and let the magic power of the summer solstice gives strength and the smell of the flowers – cheerfulness till the next summer!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

2018 ligo


Wishing you a Happy Easter that is just as bright and joyful as the spring time air around you!

April 1, 2018
lieldienu kartite


Dear employers and partners of cooperation!

December 24, 2017

The year 2017 was historically significant for the companies „NewFuels” RSEZ SIA and „Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA.

The work together has resulted in beating the historical production record and receiving many awards and the most important of them are the following:

  • The victory of the company „NewFuels” RSEZ SIA in the competition “Export and Innovation Award 2017” in the category “Exporting Company”. Together with the main prize we also received the certificate for using the logo of the competition for the marketing purpose.
  • Award of the of the State Revenue service ““The largest tax payer within the group of the small tax payers in Latgale region”, which was awarded to the company „Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA.
  • At the anniversary of Rezekne Special Economic Zone our companies received the honoured title “The Company of the Year” and got the 1st place in the following nominations:
    • „Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA – “The Producer of the Year”, “The Largest Tax Payer”, “The Most Socially Responsible Enterprise”
    • „NewFuels” RSEZ SIA –“The Cooperation Partner of the Year”, “The Investments of the Year”.

Without doubts, these awards are result of the work done by all the employers of „NewFuels” RSEZ SIA and „Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA, cooperation partners and the shareholder.

It was a great honour for me to be invited and to be present at the official reception at the President of the Republic of Latvia to celebrate the 99th Anniversary of the proclamation of Independency of the Republic of Latvia; representatives of the company participated in the winners’ award ceremony of the competition “Export and Innovation Award 2017” that was also held in the President’s Palace and at the moment is the highest evaluation of our work.

I wish to thank everyone for the productive team work, help and support. I am confident that we will reach new levels in 2018!

I sincerely wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I wish you peace in your souls, optimism, confidence and support of close people!

May all the good, comfort and prosperity be around you and every new day brings positivism and confidence in reaching new aims and all the events in your life are miraculous that give a great mood!

Peace in the family, peace in the soul and unforgettable positive emotions!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA



Congratulations on Latvia’s Independence Day!

November 18, 2017

Congratulations on the 99th anniversary of the proclamation of independency of the Republic of Latvia! We wish everyone to feel the power of unity, to keep faith and be proud of our country!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

18 novembris 1


Dear employees and partners!

December 24, 2016

Due to the joint efforts, the year of 2016 was the most successful in the history of companies NewFuels and Energy Resources CHP.

This year one shareholder became the owner of the company NewFuels and as a result of the investment, the company has become the largest producer of pellets in the Baltics.

As a consequence of the work done and the efforts made by all employees of both companies, Energy Resources CHP and NewFuels were rewarded by numerous awards.

In 2016 the strategy of the development for the companies was developed, which we will follow in 2017.

I was honoured to be invited and I attended the official reception at the Presidential Palace to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Latvia. Undoubtedly, this is a high evaluation of the work done by the shareholder, our employees and partners.

I want to thank each of you for the contribution to the development of the companies, owing to that 2016 has been passed successfully. I am confident that we will achieve even more in 2017.

I sincerely would like to wish you and your families the health, prosperity, reaching new heights and peaceful sky over your head for the New 2017!!!

Yours sincerely,
Roman Vdovychenko
Chairman of the Board
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

December 20, 2013
new fuel
