8月14日,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA收到了木质颗粒生产厂的质量合格证书。6月份,根据
。抽样检测按照EN ISO 17225-2标准进行。
Austrian BEA Institut für Bioenergie GmbH颁发了证书,确认木质颗粒生产符合
ENplus A2(6 毫米)标准的要求。
2023年9月, “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA根据《可持续生物质计划(SBP)框架指导文件REDII:SBP计划满足REDII的的过渡要求》,制定了框架、文件,并开展了额外的第三方评估,以确认是否符合《可再生能源指令(欧盟)2018/2001》。
雷泽克内经济特区“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA支持《REDII可再生能源指令(欧盟)2018/2001》的各项要求,以及《欧盟生物质能条例》规定的确保生物质可靠采购、核算的办法。
- 承诺在其所有活动中遵守对其有约束力的当地和国际适用法律法规以及本声明的规定,并将本声明的内容通告所有相关员工和分包商,确保供应的木材符合这些规定。
- 承诺只采购依据国家法律法规和公认的森林管理方法采伐的生物质。
- 审查辅料供应商,确认未从第三方采购其他材料,且符合供应商的回收量。
- 应相关第三方的要求,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA承诺通过提供对采购的所有生物质原产地文件的查阅权和副本来明确原产地和地区。
尽管公司已停止采购生物质一段时间,但仍维持并改进了泛欧森林认证体系(PEFC)和SBP认证体系。因此,在2024年2月底,进行了全面的SBP年度审核。独立审核员的审核结果确认,SBP系统数据记录、生产CO数据记录、登记簿、合规生物质采购、降低风险措施以及绩效评估均符合SBP要求,是向“NewFuels”RSEZ SIA产品购买方供应的符合SBP的生物质的可靠来源。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA意识到并正在进行系统性的补充,以便及时、全面地为预计于2024年底获准的,即将做出的SBP标准变更做好准备。
为了满足市场需求,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 公司引进并开展了可持续生物质认证和原产地证明的独立认证,维持了各种国际认证体系。
此外,为遵循和响应欧洲指令,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA对SBP/RED 2认证进行了延期,并获得了确认符合欧洲议会和理事会2018年12月11日关于推广使用可再生能源的指令(欧盟)2018/2001 的证书。
9月19日,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA收到了木质颗粒生产厂的质量合格证书。8月份,根据手册第3版(08/2015)中规定和批准的有效ENplus要求,对木质颗粒生产厂进行了检查。抽样检测按照EN ISO 17225-2标准进行。
Austrian BEA Institut für Bioenergie GmbH颁发了证书,确认木质颗粒生产符合ENplus A2(6 毫米)标准的要求。
PEFC认证和审计工作由 Vides Kvalitāte SIA审计师负责,他们在林业和木材供应链领域拥有30多年的丰富专业知识。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 正在拉脱维亚开展PEFC认证工作,推广PEFC认证的木材供应和森林认证。
PEFC认证木材的主要供应商之一是Latvijas Valsts Meži公司(拉脱维亚国有林场),这种长期合作确保了PEFC认证木材的供应,而这些木材是我们客户最终产品的重要组成部分。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和”Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA公司已分别于2023年6月5日和2023年7月6日顺利通过了ISO换证审核,取得了现行证书,可证明符合以下标准:
ISO 9001:2015“质量管理体系”
ISO 14001:2015“环境管理体系”
ISO 45001:2018“职业健康安全管理体系”
ISO 50001:2018“能源管理体系”
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA提名了2位员工:负责采购备件的Inga Pranča,以及木材卡车司机Igors Mivreniks。而”Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA热电厂已经提名了我们的锅炉房操作员Edgars Ratnieks。在申请书中,我们介绍了他们多年来负责任、高质量的工作,以及对实现公司目标和发展的贡献。对于Edgars,我们也表彰了他的运动成就和对公司名称的宣传。
Atsauce: foto no Rēzeknes valstspilsētas pašvaldības arhīvā. Fotogrāfs Ritvars Pujats.
ISO 37001:2016
认证过程在”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA公司进行,并于2023年4月4日收到了符合ISO 37001:2016标准“反贿赂管理”要求的证明书。
2021年,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA已成功地完成了未来5年的SBP(可持续生物质计划)的再认证,并将继续致力于降低该计划的某些风险。持有该证书可以确保采购的原材料和生产的产品符合SBP生物质标准。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA对自然保护局及其专家的合作表示感谢。
“RSEZ Annual Award 2021”
Rezekne Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) celebrated its 25th anniversary on 12.08.2022.. As part of this event, the traditional awarding of the winners of the “Prize of the Year 2021” competition took place.
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received the “Cooperation Partner of the Year” award in the following categories:
2nd place in the nomination “Product of the Year”
2nd place in the nomination “Socially Responsible Company”
3rd place in the nomination “Employer of the Year”.
Also “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received a certificate of honor for the high 2nd place in the nomination “Enterprise of the Year” in the group of large / medium commercial enterprises.
“Energy Resources CHP” was awarded 3rd place in the nomination “Enterprise of the Year” in the group of small commercial enterprises and 2nd place in the nomination “Socially Responsible Company”.
In addition to the above, Roman Vdovychenko, the Chairman of the Board of both enterprises, was presented with a Gratitude from the Minister of Economy Ilze Indriksone “For active participation in the work of the Rezekne Special Economic Zone”.
Undoubtedly, it is worth noting that such high awards can only be obtained as a result of coordinated work of the team.
We thank all employees, cooperation partners, and, of course, the Rezekne City Council represented by Mr. A. Bartasevics and the Rezekne Regional Council represented by Mr. M. Svarcs.
But the warmest and most sincere wishes from our enterprises – the Rezekne Special Economic Zone and the Chief Executive Officer K. Freiberga.
We wish you prosperity, development and mutually positive cooperation for many more years!
27.07.2022. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA已通过年度审核,并获得 了符合国际标准ISO 14001:2015、ISO 50001:2018、ISO 9001:2015和ISO 45001:2018的证明。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA总是乐于投资于体育事业的发展,因此很荣幸能够通过支持该项目来参与雷泽克内充气足球足球场的开幕式。
以阿列克谢-格雷霍夫(Aleksey Grehov)为代表的雷泽克内市议会体育部向”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和”Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA发了一封感谢信,感谢他们在2021年为雷泽克内的体育发展做出的贡献。
雷泽克内足球学院/儿童和青年体育学校向罗曼-弗多维琴科(Roman Vdovychenko)颁发了令人难忘的奖品,而罗曼-弗多维琴科(Roman Vdovychenko)向球队赠送了一套足球。
我们向所有为建造该足球场做出贡献的公司和个人表示感谢:雷泽克内市议会主席亚历山大•巴特萨维奇(Alexander Bartashevich)、拉脱维亚足球联合会及其主席瓦迪姆-利亚申科(Vadim Lyashenko)、外国合作伙伴–制造和安装足球场的斯洛文尼亚公司 “DUOL”、进行施工的公司–SIA “Latgalija”、施工监理–SIA “Marchuks”、以及设计师–SIA “Ceturtaisstils”。
Photo: Rēzeknes valstspilsētas domes un Latgale planning region
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA获得了“具有高度社会责任感的公司”的嘉许状,而
“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA获得了“具有高度社会责任感的公司”提名
第二名。 两家企业的管理层感谢合作伙伴的精诚合作,同时也感谢雷泽克内经济特区和克里斯塔·弗莱贝加(Krista Freiberga)女士,雷泽克内市议会和亚历山大·巴特萨维奇(Alexander Bartashevich)先生,以及雷泽克内县议会和蒙维兹·斯瓦尔克斯(Monvids Svarcs)先生,感谢他们为我们企业在如此优越的环境中运营和发展所提供的机遇
ENplus® 审核结果
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA于2021年6月17日完成了保持ENplus®证书的年度审核。并获得了证明生产的木质颗粒符合ENplus® A1和ENplus® A2质量等级的证明书。
2021年,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA通过了未来5年的FSC®️(森林管理委员会,FSC-C131356;NC-CoC-025876)换证审核,以满足森林管理委员会(FSC)产销监管链和受控木材认证标准的要求。新证书的有效期从2021年7月26日到2026年7月25日。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA已通过年度审核,并获得了符合国际标准ISO 14001:2015、ISO 50001:2018、ISO 9001:2015和ISO 45001:2018的证明。
2021年,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA已成功地完成了未来5年的SBP(可持续生物质计划)的再认证,并将继续致力于降低该计划的某些风险。持有该证书可以确保采购的原材料和生产的产品符合SBP生物质标准。
凭借2019年的业绩,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA被授予“年度最佳企业”的称号。
- 产品或产品系列上;
- 产品包装上;
- 企业的营销资料中;
- 印刷和数字资料中。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA荣获“年度最佳公司”称号,并获得了以下奖项的提名:
“年度最佳制造商” 提名第一名
“最大出口商” 提名第一名
“发展最快的公司” 提名第二名
“纳税大户企业” 提名第二名
“年度最佳合作伙伴” 提名第二名
“年度最佳投资企业” 提名第三名
“具有高度社会责任感的公司” 提名第三名。
“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA因其对雷泽克内经济特区发展所做出的贡献,而收到了雷泽克内经
斯曼(Sandra Ežmale)女士、雷泽克内市议会以及亚历山大•巴特萨维奇(Aleksandrs Bartaševičs)
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA已经于2020年9月7日实施了对GGL证书的年度审核,并获得了公司业务活动符合S1绿金标签标准的证书。证书有效期至2023年8月7日。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和”Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA公司已分别于2020年6月9日和2020年7月8日顺利通过了ISO换证审核,取得了现行证书,可证明符合以下标准:
ISO 9001:2015“质量管理体系”
ISO 14001:2015“环境管理体系”
ISO 45001:2018“职业健康安全管理体系”
ISO 50001:2018“能源管理体系”
应注意,这些审核还包括从标准OHSAS 18001:2007到ISO 45001:2018以及从50001:2012到50001:2018的转换。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA公司通过了保持ENplus®认证的审核,并取得了证明符合ENplus® A1和ENplus® A2标准的现行证书。
2019年9月13日,经过对2018年经济指标的评定, 雷泽克内经济特区颁发了第八届“年度最佳企业”奖。本次评比旨在肯定和表彰雷泽克内经济特区最成功的企业。
大中型企业中,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA因在2018年对雷泽克内经济特区发展所做的贡献而获得了认可,荣获第三名,并获得了以下奖项的提名:
“发展最快的公司” 提名第一名
小型企业中,“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA因在2018年对雷泽克内经济特区发展所做的贡献而获得了认可,荣获第二名。并获得了以下奖项提名中的最佳名次:
我们要感谢广大员工为我们取得这一优异成绩所付出的共同努力,感谢雷泽克内经济特区的工作人员及其负责人桑德拉·埃斯曼(Sandra Ezmale)女士、雷泽克内市议会及其主席亚历山大·巴特萨维奇(Aleksandrs Bartasevics)先生以及所有企业,是他们的支持与合作才使我们得以获得如此高的评价,这势必会更加激励我们业务的发展以及拉特加尔地区和整个拉脱维亚的发展!
我们很高兴地宣布,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA和“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA已于2019年7月17日对ISO和OHSAS证书维护实施了年度审核,并且已收到以下国际标准的符合性声明。
- ISO 9001:2015(证书有效期至2020年6月14日)
- OHSAS 18001:2007(证书有效期至2020年7月13日)
我们很高兴地宣布,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA已于2019年6月17日对ENplus证书维护实施了年度审核。公司已收到所生产木质颗粒产品的ENplus A1和ENplus A2标准符合性声明。
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA入围“年度米西纳斯奖(Maecenas of the Year)”提名并获奖!
我们衷心感谢雷泽克内市政厅、市长蒙维兹·斯瓦尔斯(Monvīds Švarcs)先生以及评审委员会对我公司的高度评价,对所获奖项深表荣幸!
“2018 年拉特加尔企业家日”
During the exhibition-fair “Days of the Intrepreneurs in Latgale 2018” on 21 September, 2018, an award ceremony of the competition “Enterprise of the Year” was held in the Embassy of Latgale “GORS” and the most successful companies were rewarded by results of work of 2017.
We are proud to announce that “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA got an award “RSEZ Enterprise of the Year” and a Gratitude for investment in Rezekne economy.
We want to thank Rezekne City Council and the Chairman Aleksandrs Bartaševičs and all the partners of cooperation and local institutions, such high results could be reached only in collaboration with them!
雷泽克内经济特区 2017 年奖项
2018 年 8 月 24 日,经过对 2017 年经济指标的评定,雷泽克内经济特区颁发了第七届“年度最佳企业”奖。本次评比旨在通过对上一年度企业业绩的评定来肯定和表彰雷泽克内经济特区最成功的企业及其产品和服务。
大中型企业中,“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 因在 2 017 年对雷泽克内经济特区发展所做的贡献而获得了认可,荣获第三名,并获得了以下奖项的提名:
“年度最佳服务提供商” 提名第一名
小型企业中,“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA 因在 2017 年对雷泽克内经济特区发展所做的贡献而获得了认可,荣获第二名。并获得了以下奖项提名中的最佳名次:
我们要感谢广大员工为我们取得这一优异成绩所付出的共同努力,感谢雷泽克内经济特区的工作人员及其负责人桑德拉·埃斯曼(Sandra Ezmale)女士、雷泽克内市议会及其主席亚历山大·巴特萨维奇(Aleksandrs Bartasevics)先生以及所有企业,是他们的支持与合作才使我们得以获得如此高的评价,这势必会更加激励我们业务的发展以及拉特加尔地区和整个拉脱维亚的发展!
我们很高兴地宣布,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 已经于 2018 年 8 月 8 日实施了对 GGL 证书的年度审核,并获得了符合S1绿金标签标准的证书。证书有效期至 2019 年 9 月 20 日。
我们很高兴地宣布,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA 已经分别于 2018 年 6 月 1 日和 2018 年 7 月 11 日实施了对 ISO 和 OHSAS 证书的年度审核,并获得了符合以下国际标准的声明:
- ISO 9001:2015(证书有效期至 2020 年 6 月 14 日),
- ISO 14001:2015、ISO 50001:2012、OHSAS 18001:2007(证书有效期至 2020 年 7 月 13 日)。
We are glad to announce that on 21 May, 2018 “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has done annual audit for maintaining ENplus certificate. The company has received a statement for compliance of the produced pellets with the standards ENplus A1 and ENplus A2.
2018 年 5 月 2 日,在雷泽克内市政厅举行了正式典礼。对当地公司员工为公司和城市发展做出的重要贡献予以了表彰。
市政厅副主席安德烈斯·雷塞尼科夫(Andrey Resetnikovs)和教育、文化和社会事务委员会副主席利迪贾斯·奥斯塔切娃(Lidija Ostapceva)大力赞扬了这些人在促进城市繁荣方面发挥的重要作用,并强调指出他们的工作就是其他员工的榜样。
在 39 位被提名者中,有 3 位“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 的员工 – 詹尼斯·安东尼维克(Janis Antonevics)、詹尼斯·拉斯古拉吉斯(Janis Razgulajs)和彼得里斯·森肯(Peteris Senkans)。我们祝愿他们身体健康,万事顺利,并感谢他们对公司发展所做出的努力。
It is always pleasant to win the recognition for the work done well and fairly. “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA has received a gratitude from the State Revenue Service for the successful cooperation and honest attitude towards Latvia, its inhabitants and their common prosperity. Our company has been admitted as one of the best tax payers that is very important for provision of national functions, development and growth. We are proud for the high recognition of our work and we will do our best in future to work as good and responsibly as before.
In February, 2018 “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has successfully carried out the annual FSC® (licence code FSC-C131356) and SBP monitoring audit. The effectiveness of FSC® and SBE risk mitigation measures system was evaluated, which helps to control and mitigate the defined risks to avoid purchasing raw materials from natural forest habitats or habitats of European interest, to save cultural heritage and evaluate the compliance with the work safety in the forestry.
“2017 年出口和创新奖”
2017 年 12 月 7 日在总统府举行的 “2017 年出口和创新奖” 大赛获奖者颁奖典礼上, “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 荣获此殊荣。
大赛赞助人 Raimonds Vejonis 总统、经济部长 Arvils Aseradens、拉脱维亚投资发展署 (LIAA) 署长 Andris Ozols 和评委会出席了颁奖典礼。
我们非常自豪地宣布,我们公司 2017 年在拉脱维亚“出口公司”类别中荣获第一名!与主奖一起,我们还获得了使用大赛标志进行营销的证书。
这是整个 NewFuels 团队的工作成果。
我们要感谢 Raimonds Vejonis 总统、主办方和评委会对我们公司的高度评价。
我非常荣幸能够应邀出席拉脱维亚共和国总统的正式招待会,庆祝拉脱维亚共和国宣布独立 99 周年。这是对我们股东、员工和合作伙伴所做的共同努力的高度评价。
NewFuels RSEZ SIA 董事会主席
Energy Resources CHP RSEZ SIA 董事会主席
Roman Vdovychenko
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA 加入拉脱维亚工商会。
On November 17, 2017 “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA and “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA joined the Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI). LCCI represents the interests of entrepreneurs in state and regional institutions, as well as offers services so as to ensure Latvia has excellent companies in an excellent business environment. LCCI works in three areas – business environment, competitiveness of the companies and export.
LCCI is a fully-fledged member of the international network of commerce and industry chambers, which has several hundred years of experience in uniting millions of entrepreneurs from all around the world – the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBERS) and International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
“2017 年出口和创新奖” 大赛
It was a great honour for the company “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA to meet the jury of the competition “Export and Innovation Award 2017” on 6th November, 2017.
Our company succeeded to be among 30 the best ones of 170 applicants and reached the 2nd round of the competition.
Among the members of the jury commission there were the representatives from the Chancery of the President of Latvia, Ministry of Economics, Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, Latvijas Banka, Employer’s Confederation of Latvia, The Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Luminor Bank, University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, Institute of Agricultural resources and Economics, ALTUM, newspaper Dienas Bizness, Latvian Technological Center, Latvian Institute, Latvian Designer’s Society and Accociation of Latvian Young Scientists.
The company “NewFuels”RSEZ SIA wants to thank the jury commission for the evaluation of the company and we do really hope to take a respectable place in the competition.
雷泽克内经济特区庆祝建区 20 周年,并颁发最成功企业家奖
我们很高兴地以董事会主席 Roman Vdovychenko 先生为代表,怀着发展和繁荣的愿望在雷泽克内特别经济区成立 20 周年庆典上,向雷泽克内经济特区负责人 Sandra Ezmale 小姐、市议会主席 Aleksandrs Bartasevics 先生以及所有在拉特加尔成功开展业务的公司致意!
在9月7日和8日的两天期间,举行了致力于雷泽克内经济特区周年庆典的“雷泽克内经济特区 – 未来展望”活动。
9 月 7 日,在拉特加尔 “GORS” 大使馆举行的庆典活动过程中,向“雷泽克内经济特区公司年度奖”的获奖者进行了颁奖。对这些公司 2016 年的数据进行了 10 项提名评估。
“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA 获得小型商业公司组的“年度公司” 奖,并在以下提名中名列前茅:
“年度生产商” 提名第一名
“纳税大户” 提名第一名
“最具社会责任感的企业” 提名第一名
“最快速发展的企业” 提名第二名
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 也荣获了大/中型商业公司组的 “年度公司”奖!
“年度合作伙伴” 提名第 1/2/3 名
“年度投资” 提名第一名
“年度生产商” 提名第二名
“最快速发展的企业” 提名第二名
“最具社会责任感的企业” 提名第三名
我们要感谢广大员工为我们取得如此高的成绩所做出的贡献,我们还要感谢雷泽克内经济特区的工作人员及其负责人 Sandra Ezmale 小姐、雷泽克内市议会及其主席 Aleksandrs Bartasevics 先生以及所有当地企业,是他们的支持与合作才使我们得以获得如此高的评价,这势必会更加激励我们业务的发展以及拉特加尔地区的发展和整个拉脱维亚的发展!
我们很高兴地宣布,为了保持 GGL 证书 “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 于 2017 年 7 月 26 日进行了年度审核,并获得了符合 Green Gold Label S1 标准的证书。该证书有效期至 2018 年 9 月 20日。
NewFuels 和 Energy Resources 获得 CHP ISO 和 OHSAS 认证
We are glad to announce that on 15th July, 2017, both companies were successfully audited and received the certificates for compliance with the following international standards in the scope of heat and electricity production as well as wood pellets production:
- ISO 14001:2015 “Environment Management System”;
- ISO 50001:2012 „Energy Management System.”;
- OHSAS 18001:2007 “Occupational Health and Safety Management”.
All the certificates are valid till 13th July, 2020.
Sertifikats Energy Resources 14 eng
ENplus 证书
We are proud to announce that “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has raised the quality of the pellets to a new level. The latest audit of ENplus has approved that the pellets we produce can meet the quality requirements both for ENPlus A1 & ENPlus A2.
可持续生物质计划 – SBP 证书更新
We are proud to inform our Customers and Readers that we have received a renewed SBP certificate.
This certificate, in comparison with the previous one, is extended by the following pellet delivery ports: Riga, Liepaja, Ventspils, Klaipeda.
Scope of this Certificate has been also extended by Supply Base Evaluation (SBE).
We are confident that this will give us the opportunity to increase the pellet production under SBP – Compliant declaration and reinforce our strong position on the pellets market.
英国生物质供应商名单 – BSL
We are very proud to inform that NF has been registered on BSL.
The Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) was introduced by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), formerly the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), in April 2014.
We begin with registration of ENPlus A2 but our aim is to register also ENPlus A1 in the nearest future.
Registration on BSL is a following step on Market Development Strategy.
NewFuels 和 Energy Resources 获得 CHP ISO 9001:2015 认证
We are glad to announce that on 15th June, 2017, both companies were successfully audited and received the certificates for compliance with ISO 9001:2015 international standards in the field of quality management. The certificates are valid till 14th June, 2020.
The standard ISO 9001 is one of the most known international standards that cover quality management of the company. It determines principles of the quality management, which allow developing the company systematically and continuously, improving management system of the management, adoption of decisions, project management systems, customers’ service and internal work environment. The standard is the basis for successful development of the company.
Asset Management AIFP 公司名称变更
Hereby we want to announce that the company SIA “LV Asset Management AIFP” changed its name to SIA “EcoEnergy AIFP” on 19th of May, 2017.
Energy Resources CHP 加入里加工商会
2017 年 4 月 28 日,“Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA 加入了里加工商会 (RCCI)。里加工商会是一个联合和支持在拉脱维亚境内开展经济活动、高度重视商业信誉并参与实现 RCCI 制定之目标的组织的团体。其主要目标是为诚实经营创造良好的环境、发展商业文化和推广商业道德标准。
2017 年 4 月 28 日
2017 年 4 月提高了两家公司 (”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA) 在法律形式上的组织结构占有权和投资者所有权。
目前该公司的合法拥有者是 Ecoenergy Subfund, 这家公司是 Evergreen Fund 公司的子基金(Evergreen Fund 是另类投资基金),本公司在拉脱维亚共和国金融和资本市场委员会注册。
SIA “LV Asset Management AIFP” 注册的管理公司管理 Ecoenergy Subfund 公司。本公司也在拉脱维亚共和国金融和资本市场委员会注册。
LV Asset Management AIFP Ltd. 公司的创业者是 Tserni Andreas (姓名);董事长是 Vdovichenko Roman (姓名)。双企业 (”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 和 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA) 发展战略没有变化,并按照以前的计划继续发展。
在一个结构之内,修改组织机构的占有,在拉脱维亚进行投资合并的可能性, 同时更有效的实现投资管理。
2016 年郑重授予最大纳税方得奖。
2017 年 3 月 30 日在里加市举行了 2016 年纳税人大户的典礼大会。参加典礼大会的有拉脱维亚共和国财政部长 (Reiznece-Ozola Dane 姓名)、拉脱维亚共和国国家税务局总经理 (Cirule Ilze 姓名)和其他的合作伙伴。纳税大户的纳税人(类别:小、中、大纳税人)获得大奖和荣誉证书。
我们很高兴报道, 在拉特加尔区 “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA(类别小纳税人) 获得了大奖。对股东,员工和合作伙伴所做的工作给予了高度评价。
2015 年NewFuels 公司在拉脱维亚 500 最大企业之内
拉脱维亚最大五百企业是根据 “Dienas Bizness” 报纸、 “Lursoft” 国家企业注册薄、“LIAA” 拉脱维亚投资发展署 (最后四年) 评选出来的。拉脱维亚最大五百企业的排名到今年已经有二十年。”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 公司已经第二年出现在拉脱维亚最大五百企业之内 (2014 年、2015 年)。按照2015 年公司净营业额,在拉特加尔地区的十七家企业中最大的一家,(2014 年排名第二)。2015 年的营业额为 1539 万欧元,上缴国家税收:八十六万六千一百二十欧元。
NewFuels 公司在港口扩大 SBR 证书使用范围
我们通知, “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 已经有SBR证书扩大使用范围: 木质颗粒生产,并有里加港和利耶帕亚港运输许可证。本证书有效期从 2016 年 5 月 5 日到 2021 年 5 月 4 日。
NewFuels 公司加入拉脱维亚工商会
2016 年 10 月 27 日”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 有限公司加入里加市工商会。工商会是拉脱维亚商业公司支持的协会,这些商业公司重视商业信誉,帮助工商会达到他们的目的。里加工商会的目标在于:创建诚信企业家有利的营商环境、商务文化发展、商业道德标准推广。
准备获得 SBR 证书
我们通知,2016 年 12 月份 “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 有限公司为了符合 Sustainable Biomass Partnership (SBP) 标准,对 NEPCon 有限公司准备进行认证评估。按照 SBR 要求, “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 有限公司要求利益相关者了解风险评估。
Atmosclear CHP 公司变更名称
我们通知,2016 年 9 月 14 日 “Atmosclear CHP” RSEZ SIA有限公司变更它的名称。目前公司新的名称为: “Energy Resources CHP” RSEZ SIA。
2015 年列泽克涅经济特区奖
On Friday, August 12, 2016 at the ceremonial event of Rezekne Special Economic Zone the awards for the winners of the Year Award for RSEZ companies were presented already for the fifth year. Evaluating the figures of 2015, the award of the “Company of the Year” was granted to “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA. The company received the following gratifications: 1st place in the nominations “The Investment of the Year” and “The Most Rapidly Growing Enterprise”, 2nd place in the nominations “The Largest Tax Payer” and “The Largest Exporter”, 2nd place in the nomination “The Producer of the Year” within the group of large/medium sized commercial companies. In accordance with the initiative of the social partners the company is awarded with the Certificate of Recognition “For Promoting the Employment”. The company made more than 7.7 million EUR investments in 2015 and its total turnover was 15.4 million EUR.
“Atmosclear CHP” RSEZ SIA has got the Certificates of Recognition for “The Most Rapid Start” and “The Investment in the Development of Rezekne Special Economic Zone in 2015”. The company got 1st place in the nominations: “The Producer of the Year”, “The Investment of the Year” and “The Innovation of the Year”, 2nd place in the nomination “The Largest Tax Payer” within the group of small sized commercial companies.
成功获得 FSC 证书
我们很高兴通知大家,”NewFuels” RSEZ SIA 公司重新获得FSC证书(供应链和受控木材)。我们的公司符合下面要求: FSC-STD-40-004 V2-1; FSC-STD-40-005 V2-1; FSC-STD-50-001 V1-2。
本证书从 2016 年 7 月 26 日到 2021 年 7 月 25 日有效。
证书的签发日期: 2016 年 7 月 26 日
FSC 许可证码:
NewFuels 公司变更股东
The Board of NewFuels is delighted to announce the recent acquisition of the remaining 50.04% stake in the Company by the current owner of 49.96%, of the equity, Mr Andreas Tserni. Based in Cyprus and UAE, Mr Tserni is also the owner of the CHP electricity plant currently providing heat to one of NewFuels’ pellet lines at their site in Rezekne.
As original developer and previous owner of the pellet plant since 2011, a Director of Clear Energy Holdings SA, Mr Graham Bell, commented:
“We have been very pleased with our investment in a major wood pellet facility in Rezekne, Latvia, over the past 5 years. The company’s success could not have been achieved without the assistance and dedication of all the company’s staff, all of whom we wish to thank and wish well for the future. We are confident that Mr Tserni’s acquisition of NewFuels and his exciting plans for further investment will enable continued expansion and development of this significant business”.
Mr Tserni commented:
“I am delighted to have acquired 100% of NewFuels. Along with our CHP business, I have a long term investment plans and intend to continue their development and expansion to further improve quality, and efficiency. I am also pleased to be working with Nordea Bank in Latvia, who is supporting NewFuels and our CHP. I am looking forward to further economic development cooperation with them in the future”.
Currently Chairman of the Board of the CHP plant, Mr Roman Vdovychenko has also been appointed to the Board of NewFuels with immediate effect, replacing Mr Matiss Paegle. Mr Vdovychenko commented:
“I am very pleased to have been appointed as Chairman of the Board of NewFuels. I know that NewFuels is already a high quality pellet manufacturer that holds all major international quality accreditations including SBP, GGL, EN + A2. We are currently seeking UK BSL and EN + A1 accreditation as my main goal is to ensure that NewFuels continues to produce the highest quality pellets for our customers. I am delighted to be working with Mr Dura, the Plant General Manager, who is an experienced professional in the pellets industry with over 10 years’ experience. His technical and operational management team will remain unchanged and quite possibly expanded. I’m also very pleased to say that we have persuaded Mr Graham Bell, a previous director of NewFuels who has been involved with the business since its first beginnings, to continue to support me in the area of international sales and customer relations. These are very exciting times”.
SBP Certification at NewFuels
The Sustainable Biomass Partnership (SBP) is an initiative led by seven major European utilities that use biomass – mainly wood pellets – in large thermal power plants. SBP aims to support a sustainable solid biomass supply chain that contributes to a low carbon economy. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has successfully participated in the certification and its Supply Base Report is available here: SBP_report_EN
Certificate registration code SBP-01-16
NewFuels received appreciation from RSEZ
Joint Municipal Institution „Rezekne Special Economic Zone Authority” (RSEZ) organizes the Year Award for RSEZ companies to honour the most successful enterprises that function actively in the territory of RSEZ and contribute to the development of the business environment. The aim of the Year Award is to recognize and honour the most successful RSEZ enterprises and their products. The awards were presented at the annual official ceremony organized by RSEZ Authority on July 24, 2015. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received Certificate of Recognition for the contribution of RSEZ development in 2014 and the 1st place in the nomination “The Most Rapidly Growing Enterprise”; 2nd place in the nomination “The Producer of the Year”; 3rd place in the nomination “The Investment of the Year” and “The Biggest Exporter”.
The Timber Purchase For Project Has Concluded
The timber purchase for production of experimental pellets within the ERAF project „Developing the methods of plantation cultivation of fast-growing forest crops and evaluating the suitability of their wood for pelletizing No. 2013/0049/2DP/” has been concluded resulting in contract conclusion with AS „Ludzas mežrūpniecības saimniecība” and SIA „Metsa Forest Latvia”.
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA announces the timber purchase for production of experimental pellets within the ERAF project „Developing the methods of plantation cultivation of fast-growing forest crops and evaluating the suitability of their wood for pelletizing No. 2013/0049/2DP/”. Submission until 21.05.2015. For Information
Recognition from Rezekne City Council
On October 31st, 2014 within the frame of annual exhibition “Rezekne Entrepreneur” Rezekne City Council awarded “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA with recognition of “Socially most responsible enterprise of the year and export contributor”.
Rezekne SEZ Congratulates The Best Companies of RSEZ
The General Manager of RSEZ, Mrs Sandra Ežmale says: “The Grant of The Year has become the annual tradition in order to reward the most successful companies of RSEZ and to make a summary of achievements of the previous reporting year.”
The pellet plant “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has been granted several awards among the group of large/medium companies – 1st place within the nomination “The Largest Exporter”, 2nd place within the following nominations: “The Most Rapidly Growing Company”, “The Producer of The Year”, “The Largest Taxpayer”, “The Investment of The Year”.
In the competition for the Grant of The Year “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received the acknowledgement for having the most socially responsible entrepreneurship.
The evaluation commission this year consisted of representatives from the RSEZ Supervisory Board, RSEZ Entrepreneurship Commission and RSEZ Authority. The nominees for the awards were nominated also by Rezekne City Council, Rezekne Municipality and Rezekne Business Association.
NewFuels got ENplus certificate
We are proud to announce that “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA has received Enplus certificate which is the European standard for solid biomass fuels since 2011. The quality seal that is issued together with certificate stands for low emissions and heating with high energy value.
NewFuels Has Started The Participation In The Project
Developing the methods of plantation cultivation of fast-growing forest crops and evaluating the suitability of their wood for pelletizing
Project manager: Dagnija Lazdiņa
Beginning date: 20.12.2013
Closing date: 31.7.2015
European Regional Development Fund’s Project
No. 2013/0049/2DP/
Program “Entrepreneurship and innovations”
priority 2.1. “Science and innovations”
event 2.1.1. “Science, research and development”
activity “Support for science and research”
Blog address of project activities http://treesforpellets.blogspot.com/
„Cleantech Latvia” Invites to Seminar
„Cleantech Latvia” invites all interested people to the seminar “Growing the wood fuel for pellet production” on 11th December, 2013 which will take place in Rezekne, premises of “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA.
Registration until December 6th, 2013 by e-mail [email protected]
Rezekne City Council Acknowledgement
On October 11th, 2013 the “Rezekne Entrepreneur 2013” awards ceremony was held. These awards are given by Rezekne City Council to enterprises that have achieved outstanding performance during the past year. We are delighted that “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received the acknowledgement for being the largest exporter and the most socially responsible enterprise in Rezekne during 2012/13.
Mr Graham Bell, Chairman of “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA commented, „We are absolutely delighted to receive this award from Rezekne City Council. Our Company prides itself in being socially aware and places a high degree of emphasis on the welfare of our employees. We shall continue to strive for higher standards and performance during the next 12 months.”
We are very proud to announce that Rezekne Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) have awarded NewFuels first place in the competition for Company of The Year 2012. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA won in the category for medium sized enterprises.
Mrs Sandra Ežmale, General Manager of RSEZ commented:
“The aim of the competition for Company of The Year within RSEZ is to evaluate and honour the most successful entrepreneurs by evaluating RSEZ companies’ performance during the past year. This includes investments in improving production efficiency, production volumes, exports achieved, and taxes paid etc. The evaluation commission this year consisted of representatives from The RSEZ Board of Supervisors, The Latvian Employers’ Confederation and The Rezekne City & Regional Tripartite Advisory Council.
Several awards were granted to “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA: “The Producer of the Year”, “The Largest Taxpayer”, and “The Largest Exporter”. The company is the third largest wood pellet producer in Latvia; producing circa 120 thousand tons of product per year, and exporting to Sweden and EU countries. The sales revenues from production in 2012 amounted to 7,985 million LVL, with some 805 thousand LVL being paid in taxes. The company has 27 employees, with the average salary exceeding the overall average for the region. The company produces environmentally friendly pellets by strictly observing all sustainable criteria, and applying socially sound management principles. This is borne out by internationally recognised certificates held by the company.”
NewFuels Re-starts The Production
As you are aware “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA suffered an unfortunate accident in January of this year. We wish to provide a brief update on the current status of the plant and the actions going forward.
We are pleased to announce that we signed cooperation and support agreement with the German Company Büttner GmbH. Being one of the most reputable suppliers in the wood pellet drying industry, the company has assumed full responsibility over the technical operations of the plant, including the Vandenbroek International dryer.
During the past six months we have completely rebuilt the furnace and the dryer as well putting in place enhanced operational and safety procedures. Büttner GmbH have supervised all the repairs, improvements, and staff training as well as taking responsibility for future maintenance and support.
Currently being commissioned, we anticipate the plant will be back to producing pre-accident production volumes during the month of September. With the assistance of Büttner GmbH, we fully anticipate growing the annual production output to between 120K -130K MT in the near future.
We have also put in place new insurance policies for the plant, including business interruption with the reputable Norwegian insurance company, Gjensidige Baltic.
In addition recent GGL and FSC® C021123 audits have renewed our certifications.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and suppliers for their support and understanding during this difficult period, and look forward to once again re-starting the production and delivery of high quality wood pellets in the near future.
Explosion at NewFuels’ Plant
There has been an explosion at “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA wood pellet production plant, Latvia. Detailed technical investigations are underway and it is too premature to speculate as to the causes. The explosion took place between the furnace and the dryer at 12.00 noon local time on Monday 21st January 2013.
The supplier of the drying equipment, Vandenbroek International B.V. were on site implementing various modifications in order to improve the systems’ performance as a precursor to the expansion of the plant planned by the “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA management. The explosion happened during the implementation of these modifications. The damage sustained is significant enough to have stopped the operation of the plant and the initial assessment is that the plant will be closed for the next few months.
The Chairman Graham Bell said, “In a fast growing industry such as the wood pellet business, difficult times such as these provide a good opportunity for good equipment manufacturers to show the support levels we can all anticipate in the future. We shall publish a weekly on-line diary of progress and support levels for our customers and suppliers for our clients and hope to be back in production in the near future. We are proud of our plant, staff and quality and will be happy to provide anyone who is interested with details of our experiences. We would like to thank our customers for the kind messages of support received in what is a difficult time for the company. We expect to bounce-back from these short term difficulties stronger than ever as this incident will not deter us from implementing our ambitious investment and expansion plans. We remain committed to having our world class pellet plant operational in the near future”.
Cleantech Latvia
“NewFuels” RSEZ SIA is a cooperation partner of society „Latvian Biotechnology Association” within the project „Cleantech cluster”, being implemented in the framework of contract No L-KAP-12-0009 dated on 12.09.2012, in cooperation with
Rezekne SEZ Congratulates The Entrepreneurs
On October 19th 2012, Rezekne Special Economic Zone congratulated the best business performers in 2012. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA received the appreciations in nominations “The largest exporter” and “The largest investments” among the large / medium enterprises.
Gratitude From Rezekne City Council
On 12th October 2012, Rezekne City Council felicitated the companies that have achieved good results in their business thus promoting the welfare of Rezekne as well. “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA got the note of thanks in the nomination “The Major Exporter”.
Children From Rezekne Orphanage Visit NewFuels
On 29th August 2012, the children from Rezekne Orphanage visited NewFuels site. They were very excited about the opportunity to imitate the operation of production process.